We have had an offer accepted for a house which fingers crossed has mod bike room we really do get our priorities right! So I think next year I may be getting a CX bike for work commuting! So brass monkeys is on again next Sunday but myself and the better half are contemplating an all day ride instead its not often we get the opportunity. I wish everyone a merry Xmas in case I don't blog for a bit ho ho ho
Sunday, 8 December 2013
Yay it's nearly xmas
Yes it's official I am a grinch but I love Xmas because its the one time of year me the hubby and my toddler have time to juggle riding! Unfortunately due to a lack of funds and broken forks, I have only been single speeding all winter.....but to share a secret with you, I kinda love it! I have been trying to night ride once a week which seems to be pretty successful and had a great Brass Monkeys 1 at my local trails Minley. Normally finishing last in the ladies would upset and deflate me, but I was the only lady single speeder and was pleased with my four laps n just over four hours, except the Telegraph hill everything was singlespeedable for me. I really enjoyed the course well done to Gorrick and Panter for some new sections! Training wise the weight loss has kicked in again and I am consistently doing 5 K runs now at the gym which is pleasing. This has turned into a great thing as yes folks I have suddenly developed a massive marginal gain (lol) I have gained more bend in my knee replacement and can now ride sustained hours clipped in....so I think some disco slippers are calling me for Xmas! Also had a lovely family ride yesterday at Frensham with three counties MTB as you can see
Saturday, 12 October 2013
Life gets in the way
Gosh it has been a while, after the disappointment of calling it a day at Stillettos on Wheels I kinda needed time off the bike really, my knee needed the rest and its done me he world of good,I'm running longer, stronger lifting bigger weights and really seeing the weight coming off again with my shape completely changing. A few shorter rides sprinkled in led to an impromptu Scotland trip helped. Surprisingly I got a childless day to ride the blue and red at Glentress and noticed the strength in my legs riding twice to the very top with little effort man those trails are amazing and fun for all abilities. I then went to the ledge that is Jedi for his public Jumps and Drops course, but really didn't think! My seat post doesn't drop down! So I had to use his bike but boy was it fun and I even manual led and got my wheel in the air on jumps! On the downside I had a really silly stack breaking a finger doh! So Jay is racing on Sunday...weekend riding has become difficult with me working Sat nites but I will try a little pedal if I can tomorrow. As for racing Brass Monkeys I'm not sure yet if I have enough bike time for it to justify spending the money....time will tell
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
Three weekends of craziness
So two weekends down one to go, I can categorically say this has been a huge challenge with injuries and illness, as I write at the moment I have a sinus infection from the mud swilling in them ouch!
So how did Torq 12 go well what a great course albeit with more climbing than last year the approx 8 mile course felt fab and I bettered last years effort with 9 laps and missing out by 5 mins going again, I can definitely say the Kinesio tape pulled me through and I rode everything too on 9 occasions, although I struggled to walk for days after I was really chuffed with the effort and my bamboo really was survivable as a 12 hour hard tail. The supporters were immense and. Lovely atmosphere in the arena, have to say I was chuffed
Next up was the dark side the nuts challenge a big get well soon to my mate Percy who fractured dislocated his ankle on our 7K lap this was easily. The hardest thing I've done and as this is a biking blog I'm not gonna bore you all but the photos say enough....
Next up is stilettos on wheels in Brighton not sure my body can 'compete' anymore as I can barely cope with my head moving so may just do a token lap really but so be it!
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Not sure if I can do it....
The nerves are setting in, Torq 12 hour solo is next Sunday and its the beginning of my mad 3 week challenge. I guess the nerves are setting in now......training has been full of setbacks, my knee has been blowing up and down like a yo yo, and being set back by a chest infection that has increased my inhaler usage massively is worrying. The knee is stressing me out, am waiting for an 'urgent' appointment still with my surgeon, tried a 8hr ride last week and had to call it a day at 5 hours. Helen one of my bike buddies introduced me to kinesio tape so I am willing to try anything to help, but I've called it a day on trialling my speedplay pedals till my knee is better. I am thinking I've just got to try my best Sunday but my hope of bettering 8 laps will be a pipe dream I reckon ......keep your fingers crossed for me!
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
To knee or not to knee that's the question!
Pretty quiet and frustrating month so far unfortunately my knee replacements been very problematic and sticky,I ended up spending two weeks doing only core stuff and hand cycling, thanks to all my sympathetic gym buddies and Pt for devising other things to do. The PT stuff is getting harder but I should take it as a positive that I'm stronger. Managed to do a short evening ride last week at Minley as I am worrying bout torq12 now..lol, also commuted in London for the first time that was quite the adrenaline rush, attending the Cycle Surgery Ladies nite at Southwark, was a fun educational nite with great feebies,then spent the weekend at Bontrager 24/12 at Plymouth a fab event well run, I got a couple of cheeky laps in before hand, and was there to support Jay. He did amazing 13th in his first 24 solo he was a machine!
Knees are really stiff again since yesterday and joined the boys Mon nite ride at Swinley which was fast for me but biblical weather wise I was soaked but enjoyed the high speed descents in the grease with no offs.....and below is me and Rachy posing! Am really just trying to nurse the knees through to Torq so I'm hoping I can do it..l.
Monday, 8 July 2013
Long summers riding is here yay
Managed a big loop with Jay last week we did a 55 miler as ran out of time and I will blame that on Jays tea drinking slowness! We headed up to Caesars, Ash, Tunnel Porridge Pot then Frith with a food stop at Spar, before heading to Swinley and back home, it was interesting trying to keep th Jay and looking at my strava I did ok!! I felt strong which put me in good stead for this weekend riding....
So my plans were a bit stressed as had an interview for the Commonwealth Games so had to travel back from Glasgow on Sat evening, so the race prep was quite a rush...but thanks to my hubby for childcare and prep it was less hassle!
Are You Tough Enough was 6.5 miles in blistering heat and I opted for the 6 hr Cat sadly there was no womens cat so I lost my podium chance but I had 4 good laps and one horrific lap of too much gels and not enough food need I say any more the course actually suited a slow one like me as I could pedal virtually everything except one steep hill, really enjoyed the race on the Bamboo and heres to more racing. A big Thanks to Jay, Arran, Little Dean for fixing my bike and the encouragement from all the Trolls on the course, and of course Bamboo Bikes for their kind sponsorship
So my plans were a bit stressed as had an interview for the Commonwealth Games so had to travel back from Glasgow on Sat evening, so the race prep was quite a rush...but thanks to my hubby for childcare and prep it was less hassle!
Are You Tough Enough was 6.5 miles in blistering heat and I opted for the 6 hr Cat sadly there was no womens cat so I lost my podium chance but I had 4 good laps and one horrific lap of too much gels and not enough food need I say any more the course actually suited a slow one like me as I could pedal virtually everything except one steep hill, really enjoyed the race on the Bamboo and heres to more racing. A big Thanks to Jay, Arran, Little Dean for fixing my bike and the encouragement from all the Trolls on the course, and of course Bamboo Bikes for their kind sponsorship
Wednesday, 19 June 2013
The wall.....
Had felt I had hit a wall riding wise but the last few weeks of longer riding is starting to make a difference and the weight loss is starting to kick in again. The downside of having OA and riding more is the swelling after and that I don't rest much really but I really want to move forward.....
Have had some great riding lately locally thanks to dry dusty trails with a few groups of mates and have really pushed my switchback and descending technique. Riding the bamboo regularly has now brought some new found confidence and made the wall at Swinley feel easy peasy! The bamboo angle is slacker and has totally changed my riding for the better. The bonus of all this is more comfy clothing becoming looser too :0)
Have planned an all day loop this week as I have some well deserved holiday time, a short ride Wed and a medium ride Sat too....there may be a Southern XC entry on Sunday if I'm not working just to get a race in really,as the next race is AYTE in July after travelling back from Scotland on the train the night before not the best race prep but hey I'm not an athlete!
Tuesday, 4 June 2013
Upping the riding
Apparently summers here...I did get a brief glimpse on Sunday, have to really start pushing the amount of riding up, although learnt my lesson about tiredness and illness now. Worked all night at work on Wed then decided in my wisdom to ride Thurs daytime on a single speed chasing my mate Kevin up to Swinley and back.It was nice to be a shown a different way up but was hanging on my coat tails on the 29er single speed on Swinleys fast trails they're great fun but I can see how many get caught out crashing at speed, sleep deprived and seeing stars I called it a day at just under 30 miles.
I have also joined 2 sites Birds on Bikes on Facebook and Totalwomenscycling.com to get me out a bit more with the ladies, and turned up at a Surrey Hills ride on Sunday laden with cold , damn those hills are brutal when wheezing but so worth it, really loving Summer Lightening its been yonks since I've ridden it. Most people say rest is the best medicine but I say no pain no gain and it was great to get the bamboo bike out for the dry season although I've heard enough wood and panda jokes to last me a lifetime! I'm still not 100% but the opportunity of night riding tonight is there and as its such a rarity I've gotta grab it!
Monday, 13 May 2013
Let the good times roll...
Exciting times coming up..Back from sunny Kos with a tan but an extra kilo of personal baggage due to all that lovely food! I have vowed to get bike motivated and have squeezed in 2 single speed rides on the 29er...it's given me a real want for my own 29er or 650b! In the meantime I have joined a couple of women riding groups to get me out more and am planning to meet some new riding buddy's on Thur after my night shift how motivated is that!
All paid up for 3 races now so best get riding, the Bamboo bike is ready to ride and very kindly Bamboo have agreed to let me be a team rider, I have sparkling new kit, which I would love to show you but am waiting for the photos and a press release eeeekkk! I'm feeling pretty nervous that I need to improve my riding now so fingers crossed. Also got the great news I have a selection interview to work as a medic at the commonwealth games I am super excited ! Looking forward to my Swinley ride on Thurs then totalwomenscycling.com group ride at surrey hills on Sunday!
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Thought I would use the above title as I feel like I've had a hols from cycling lately with gulp....other commitments and trying new things (and the minor fact we are off to Kos next week)
Have been out with Jay a couple of times and enjoyed a long swinley ride boy the trails are fast good fun but already have braking bumps?! On a professional level at work I have seen the negative of Swinley lots with some nasty fractures and dislocations.....People check your speed and look up there as its faster than you think!
So I went to the darkside and did some off road running and assault course at the brill Henfold
Lakes Dorking talk about black and blue but I loved it and now want to deco build up my off road running bravery here is a sample of me and the work gang who were all troopers. Was really chuffed at the gym got a surprise award for doing so well, and I finally broke 80 kg am now 77kg whoop whoop. Planning to run on my hols hopefully then start preparing for AYTE in July, Torq 12 in Aug and maybe the Nuts Challenge in Sept..... And on a signing out note my poor son has a broken collar bone a real bikers injury bless him but no bikes involved yet he's far too young lol will get a picky of his X-ray for him I'm a very proud mum of my brave soldier
Have been out with Jay a couple of times and enjoyed a long swinley ride boy the trails are fast good fun but already have braking bumps?! On a professional level at work I have seen the negative of Swinley lots with some nasty fractures and dislocations.....People check your speed and look up there as its faster than you think!
So I went to the darkside and did some off road running and assault course at the brill Henfold
Lakes Dorking talk about black and blue but I loved it and now want to deco build up my off road running bravery here is a sample of me and the work gang who were all troopers. Was really chuffed at the gym got a surprise award for doing so well, and I finally broke 80 kg am now 77kg whoop whoop. Planning to run on my hols hopefully then start preparing for AYTE in July, Torq 12 in Aug and maybe the Nuts Challenge in Sept..... And on a signing out note my poor son has a broken collar bone a real bikers injury bless him but no bikes involved yet he's far too young lol will get a picky of his X-ray for him I'm a very proud mum of my brave soldier
Monday, 8 April 2013
time management...or should it be lack of??
things hve been a bit hectic now my very mobile toddler is wanting to do things constantly, I have managed to ride a bit but it takes the precision planning of an army major!! Did try out a bit of Swinley with the phillipino boys recently but it was bloody freezing and full of slush with the temp at least 0 degrees so found it hard to enjoy a 5 hr jaunty. The night riding has been sparse due to work constraints but hoping to do the old men and womens ride with THT tonight. Managed a 3.5 hr blast yesterday of Caesars, Ash and through up to Porridge just mainly hills to get faster and fitter. I can really see a difference from the gym work now with the start of abdominal muscles on me which is worth the hard work. Have also crossed to the dark side of Protein Shakes to try to shed more weight off. As for racing no time and am away in Kos for the ones I planned to do (what a shame lol) but am toying with doing Erlestoke either 6 or 12 hours not commited yet will decide after a nice Sunny holiday I think!!
Thursday, 7 March 2013
It's oh so quiet shhhhh
I have finally got my butt in gear and got out at night the last couple of weeks everything seems so different at night, a quick bash round Southwood & Minley last Wed after my circuits, myself and Rachy had the pleasure of chasing after another THT group out. I forgot how fun Minkey can be at night and finally conquered the exit of sponge bob speed is my friend..It's so funny how we spooked each other out though towards the end due to some reflective eyes in the woods, I rode home pronto funnily enough. Monday saw me join the old gits ride for Caesars last time I rode there was a quagmire at Brass Monkeys and what a difference in conditions, it was fun to go out with the group and also not be stuck at the back for once which was quite a confidence booster.
I also managed to up my running speed massively on the treadmill with my PT which is a massive breakthrough, having invested in compression socks has really helped although I do look like Pippa Longstocking!
Lastly please support my gms local charity drive to raise Money for charity the aim is a million miles by Kinetika gyms :
I also managed to up my running speed massively on the treadmill with my PT which is a massive breakthrough, having invested in compression socks has really helped although I do look like Pippa Longstocking!
Lastly please support my gms local charity drive to raise Money for charity the aim is a million miles by Kinetika gyms :
Monday, 4 March 2013
It's been a while....
Hi all, so slow to post lately as life's been busy when you get a poorly toddler. Finally my bamboo bike was ready to ride, so in honour of this myself and Jay decided to ride Surrey Hills. I have to confess being a wuss with my old lady knees I have only ever managed 2 hills in one ride, so the 3 hill challenge of Pitch,Holmbury and Leith was on...... We started at the youth hostel climbing up to Holmbury first and I was astonished to find that I rode in the middle ring climbing a very unusual thing for me, this in turn was thanks to the lightweight bamboo which made a huge difference to my riding. After yoghurt pots we headed towards BKB, the work the guys at Hurtwood have done is commendable, BKB was fast and fun I even got air eekkk but there's a lot of braking bumps going on....climbed up Pitch next and over to Winterfold near the gorgeous Windmill Jay pushed me to do new trails and steeper trails, having never been here before it was fun albeit a bit gloppy, back up to Pitch down a T trail (not sure which) we then stopped at the bottom at Peaselake stores for a cuppa
The bamboo turned a lot of heads there as u can imagine and we bumped into Lesley and wheezy so had some company to slog up to Leith throwing in yoghurt pots and telegraph en route, I have to be honest I was just at the limit coming up to the tower but because of the cold we didn't hang around too long!! Back down and up Holmbury once more and another spin on telegraph at a quicker speed the new bike was amazing flowing off the steps really well. I was pleased to find 3000 feet roughly of climbing done, there was the odd steep trail that spooked me but a good ride! Have managed to get out yesterday briefly now my son is better also and a family ride before work tonight is due, I decided not to race today as I can't justify spending the money on short racing at the moment
The bamboo turned a lot of heads there as u can imagine and we bumped into Lesley and wheezy so had some company to slog up to Leith throwing in yoghurt pots and telegraph en route, I have to be honest I was just at the limit coming up to the tower but because of the cold we didn't hang around too long!! Back down and up Holmbury once more and another spin on telegraph at a quicker speed the new bike was amazing flowing off the steps really well. I was pleased to find 3000 feet roughly of climbing done, there was the odd steep trail that spooked me but a good ride! Have managed to get out yesterday briefly now my son is better also and a family ride before work tonight is due, I decided not to race today as I can't justify spending the money on short racing at the moment
Tuesday, 15 January 2013
Brass monkeys 3.....surprises!!!
So as some of you know I planned to ride all three, and what a great last event from gorrick and ACU....what a brill course twisty roots loads of singletrack and bags of fun even the climbs were enjoyable and pretty rideable for a novice like me, first lap went well no major issues. I then pushed myself on the second lap and went into the third lap thinking it would be my usual slow bimble. Having spoken to my PT who told me to focus on my race and not be intimidated by others, she was soooo right and I finished 3 laps in 3hr 45, the legs felt good but then I saw my poor toddler who looked absolutely frozen and I decided to give the fourth lap a miss. I have to say I regret not going out again now I look back but I cut about 40 min off the last race timing so I was chuffed. All the trolls did amazing and Kathy, Jo and Lou podiumed as usual!
But I was pleasantly surprised to get third overall in the series for 4 hr female 18 - 39 and I know it was a fluke but I am really pleased as in 6 months I am riding enduros consistently which was my aim. I am realistic that I will never win things and my aim is to push myself onwards and enjoy it, The short Gorrick races are not really my thing as I cannot go fast but I am toying with trying the series this time if myself and Jay can juggle childcare. And now back to gym reality spin & CXWorx, and Combat and PT today I'm tired but pleased with how the winters gone so far :)
But I was pleasantly surprised to get third overall in the series for 4 hr female 18 - 39 and I know it was a fluke but I am really pleased as in 6 months I am riding enduros consistently which was my aim. I am realistic that I will never win things and my aim is to push myself onwards and enjoy it, The short Gorrick races are not really my thing as I cannot go fast but I am toying with trying the series this time if myself and Jay can juggle childcare. And now back to gym reality spin & CXWorx, and Combat and PT today I'm tired but pleased with how the winters gone so far :)
Wednesday, 9 January 2013
new year new riding
After a manic work period at crmbo and doing the family thing its time to get more riding in this year...was lucky enough to meet up with a couple of the gals for a New Yr day ride with yep no hangover it was a dry hogmany for me which is a first...http://app.strava.com/activities/36088673 was a lovely pootle about with a nice coffee stop which is always a good choice, thanks Jo and Kate for the company as I hate solo riding...
I then went out with Rachy on the promise of a gentle ride which turned out to be a really enjoyable exploration up to Minley and riding things back to front meeting up with Shortcut and Stan, the pleasure was due to borrowing Jays new 29er singlespeed. It was a very fun ride and I even enjoyed climbing on it, I definately saw how fit I've got and how well the SS soaked up the trail compared to my standard wheel, I was a sceptic but i am truly converted PLEASE CAN I KEEP THE BIKE JAY??!! Annoyingly my Strava didn't pick up all the timed sections for some reason but it was a fun blast nice company and tailed off by a cold bottle of Peroni NICE! http://app.strava.com/activities/36088665
Brass Monkeys on Sunday I'm getting nervous now, last race of the series and I have worked seriously hard in the gym since crimbo running,spinning and resistance training in the hope it helps me wish me luck lol
I then went out with Rachy on the promise of a gentle ride which turned out to be a really enjoyable exploration up to Minley and riding things back to front meeting up with Shortcut and Stan, the pleasure was due to borrowing Jays new 29er singlespeed. It was a very fun ride and I even enjoyed climbing on it, I definately saw how fit I've got and how well the SS soaked up the trail compared to my standard wheel, I was a sceptic but i am truly converted PLEASE CAN I KEEP THE BIKE JAY??!! Annoyingly my Strava didn't pick up all the timed sections for some reason but it was a fun blast nice company and tailed off by a cold bottle of Peroni NICE! http://app.strava.com/activities/36088665
Brass Monkeys on Sunday I'm getting nervous now, last race of the series and I have worked seriously hard in the gym since crimbo running,spinning and resistance training in the hope it helps me wish me luck lol
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