Thursday, 7 July 2016

9 day post op

So.... Nine days in and has gone pretty clockwork really a bit more sore now to be expected with a toddler in reins and crutches, it's been so good to get into the gym when she's at nursery and the eldest at school was still doing hand bike and sit down alpha weights and core, decided to mix it up today as leg feeling sore, varied the hand bike a bit more with interval speed work, then a few stationary stuff one legged squats on the 'jiggling' machine and lots of varied core work sitting down.

To be honest the biggest challenge is managing the little one with crutches and reins, but we will get there, I'm looking forward to my first physio Monday and wound looks good.....Getting my bike fill with Le tour and a bike festival on Sunday with films and displays, weirdly I'm missing work, but there's nothing I can do about that at the moment